According to a new study conducted by Sales Mastery, sub-optimal sales management coaching is the top barrier impacting an organization’s ability to reach 2018 revenue targets.
No wonder. Sales leaders are often promoted from sales representative roles because they are exceptionally good at selling, and may show potential for leadership. However, once they become sales leaders they don’t receive the training, coaching, and/or support they need to excel in the new role. To avoid your sales leader turning out like Michael Scott from The Office, review the questions listed below.
Top 6 questions to ask about your sales leader:
- Do they know and are they following leadership best practices?
- Have they ever received sales leadership coaching?
- Are they confident their sales strategies will succeed?
- Do they have the tools and training to effectively onboard and manage the sales team?
- Do they get the data and operational insight they need to make informed decisions?
- Do they follow a sales process, and if so, does it streamline how the team sells and makes them more effective?
Usually, the answers to most, if not all, of these questions is “not really”. Taking advantage of coaching and learning opportunities will ensure both the seasoned and the fresh sales leader are equipped to manage a sales team.
With the right coaching, a sales leader can run a high-functioning sales organization that yields results. The chart below outlines common areas of focus for many sales organizations entering 2018, and what coaching would help to further elevate that area of your business.While there are many more sales coaching topics that can improve a sales leader’s long-term effectiveness, a powerful leadership coaching plan needs to keep your business objectives in mind. Sales leadership coaching will provide the confidence and competence a sales leader needs to meet aggressive growth goals in the coming year, and beyond.