Sales & Marketing Alignment
Ensure alignment of value proposition between Sales and Marketing by customer category via PO’s and Metric attainment. Drive marketing and Sales initiatives that support validated value proposition and demonstrates a cohesive market strategy.
Organization Alignment
Ensure strategy alignment between management and staff to ensure decisions support sales and marketing efforts. Leverage real time analytics, with dashboards, for managing accountability and exposing new opportunities.
Advisory and Training
Provide the tools and strategies your team needs to increase revenue while protecting margins. Teams that use our proven methodology achieve greater results.
Revenue Enablement
Manufacture “compelling events” to create urgency. Explore options for challenging customers with disruptive insights. Differentiate between Demand Capture and Demand Creation, implement strategies to address and fulfill both marketing & sales initiatives.
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: kevin@kanemcg.com
Experienced Consulting
We’ve built and optimized teams since 2004. Our experience includes venture backed startups, joint ventures and Fortune 1K organizations in industries that offer disruptive technology.
Proven Process
Our approach delivers results. While we customize solutions to every project, we follow the same core principles to provide the competitive edge you need.
Tailored Solutions
We know your company won’t benefit from a pre-packaged solution. Your business has unique needs, and we factor all those complexities into our solution.
Our systematic process designed to deliver results